Palmistry (The art of palm reading)


Palmistry  (The art of palm  reading)

The lines of the hand

  1. Clear hand lines
  2. Small hand lines

1. Clear hand lines

 You are even-tempered and happy with life. You will not get angry quickly and will be very careful about involved in anything. At work, you will be quite careful and methodical.

2. Small hand lines

You are sensitive and get angry quickly and suddenly. You are nervous and often get excited. You will usually be talented and will probably have a number of different hobbies.

The Heart Line

  1. Strong Heart Line
  2. Weak Heart Line
  3. A lot of little lines coming off the heart line

1. Strong Heart Line

You are warm and loving.

2 Weak Heart Line

You are quite a cool person.

3. A lot of little lines coming off the Heart Line

You will have a lot of romance in your life.

The Head Line

  1. Strong Head Line
  2. Weak Head Line

1. Strong Head Line

You are very intelligent and you will get a good job.

2. Weak Head Line

You are not intelligent and you won’t get a good job.

The Life Line

  1. A long Life Line
  2. A short Life Line

1. A Long Life Line

You will live a long time.

2. A Short Life Line

You won’t live a long time.

The Saturn Line

  1. Clear and long Saturn Line
  2. Weak and short Saturn Line

1. Clear and long Saturn Line

You will be successful in your life.

2. Weak and short Saturn Line

You won’t be successful.

Do you agree with the analysis?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.




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